Net evolution

In this year-end there is a convergence of security oriented changes in many areas. They may independely conflict with established and proven solutions and the whole may be not easy to fix.

This why it is important to understand that new context we all may be, like us, confronted to

dotDJ shares the Tunis commitment

It is to build " a people-centered (" à dimension humaine ", " centrada en la persona "), inclusive, and development-oriented Information Society, premised on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and multilateralism, and fully respecting and upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so that people everywhere can create, access, utilize, and share information and knowledge in order to achieve their full potential and reach the internationally agreed development goals and objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals. "

As per RFC 6852

RFC 6852 (Affirmation of the Modern Paradigm for Standards): the IETF's target is to support interoperability and foster global competition, which is developed through an open participatory process that is voluntarily adopted globally. These voluntary standards serve as building blocks for products and services targeted at meeting the needs of the market and consumers, thereby driving innovation. Innovation in turn contributes to the creation of new markets and the growth and expansion of the existing markets.

This requires cooperation, common principles, collective empowerment, availability, and voluntary adoption. As a result, success is determined by the market. With the risk of non-coordinated yet well-meant upgrades. dotDJ is meant to explore, subsidize research, and gain experience in this "user centricity" of the network area.

Recent incidents

By the end of 2022... gained experience simultaneous independent moves for improved security came unexepectedly from different origins (two programming languages, Hosting Provider, etc, and ... conflicted with our time proven set-up. It had to be investigated, sorted, and solved, with the difficulty posed by the time difference and DNS propagation.

Taking advantage from this experience

As a result of this experience and its registrant embarrassment, it hopes to produce a user oriented document for common network users who are also producers (use and produce) of services, content, etc. within the new (UNESCO 2003) Intangible Cultural Heritage, which is where the internet naming belongs, as well as their intellectual and societal contributions.

2023: An ISO fundamental debate is engaged

This being at a time when the recent ISO 24143 is introducing the details of the opening world debate on information governance and thereby the value and nature of information for governments, enterprises, communities, families, and citizens alike.

The World Summit

on the information society

2003-2005 is managed par dotDJ